St Peter's Stonyhurst



We are God’s people, the sheep of his flock: come, let us worship him, alleluia.


St Joseph's Hurst Green

“Though thou hast recourse to many saints as thine intercessors, go specially to St. Joseph, for he has great power with God.” St. Teresa of Avila



Latest news:



The 9.30am Sunday Mass. Happily we have resumed the celebration of this Mass in St Joseph’s chapel in Hurst Green. The plan was that there would be two large skips in the playground this weekend as they clear the classroom of fire debris. However, this will now take place next week. This means that there will be limited parking in the playground. If you can, please park at the drop off car park in the estate.





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Getting married here at St Peter's


Newsletters & Reports


Congratulations on your forthcoming marriage and thank you for thinking about celebrating this sacrament at St Peter's Stonyhurst. Below you will find some information about getting married at St Peter's.


Useful information


Wedding Enquiry form


Information for Couples planning to marry at St Peter's


View Gift aid form


Reception at Stonyhurst. Enquire now. ×

Mass Calendar and Intentions

Sunday 8th September 2024 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B) Ps Wk 3


Saturday 5.30pm - Alison Hurst (for health)


Sunday 09.30 @ St Josephs - For the Parish


Sunday 11.00am - For the College and SMH


Monday No Mass - St Peter Claver, SJ P

Tuesday 08.00am - Stephen Dauber A - St Ambrose Barlow PM

Wednesday 08.00am - Martha Mary Mulligan L - Weekday in Ordinary Time (week 23)

Thursday 08.30am @SMH - For the school - Weekday in Ordinary Time

Friday 08.00am - Fr Eddy Bermingham SJ L - St John Chrysostom BD



L = Lately Dead, A = Anniversary of death

P = Personal Intention PI = Priest's Intention S = Sick B=Birthday F = Founders Mass M = Martyr V = Virgin D = Doctor B = Bishop P = Priest Rel = Religious Pp=Pope SMH=St Mary's Hall



The Divine mercy

                    I trust in youl


Almighty, ever-living God, whose love surpasses all that we ask or deserve, open up for us the treasures of your mercy. Forgive us all that weighs on our conscience, and grant us more even than we dare to ask. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.Amen.









Welcome to the Parish of St Peter's & St Joseph's in

the heart of the Ribble Valley

St Joseph'sParish Priest   Fr. Tim Curtis SJ (


Tel. (01254) 826268


St Peter's RC Church, Stonyhurst

Clitheroe, Lancs. BB7 9PZ

St Joseph's Chapel


St Peter's





Our Lady on the Avenue


christ the redeemer

The Statue of Christ the Redeemer has been installed on its plinth in the Cemetery.   A huge thank you to all of those who have donated to this project and those who have made the project a reality.   It is wonderful to have an image of the risen Christ overlooking our loved ones.

St Joseph's






host and chalice picture

I am the living bread which has come down from heaven