Parish Priest: Fr Tim Curtis, SJ Safeguarding Officer: Niall Macfarlane (07786 432360
Salford Roman Catholic Diocese Trustees Registered Charity No 2500374
19th January 2025 THE NEWSLETTER Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C)
Mass Schedule
Date | Time |
Mass Intentions |
Feast |
Sa 18th |
5.30pm St P’s |
Robin Howell A |
Vigil of 2nd Sunday of OT (Year C) |
Su 19th |
9.30am St J’s |
For the Parish |
2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C) |
11.00am St P’s |
For the Stonyhurst Community |
Mo 20th |
No Mass |
Weekday in Ordinary Time (week 2) |
Tu 21st |
8.00am St P’s |
Robert Moran L |
St Agnes VM |
Wed 22nd |
8.00am St P’s |
Helen Addie (for health) |
Weekday in Ordinary Time |
Th 23rd |
8.30am SMH |
For the school |
St Vincent DM |
Fr 24th |
8.00am St P’s |
Eric Young L |
St Francis de Sales BD |
(Each Saturday there are confessions and a Holy Hour from 4.30pm with Benediction at 5.15pm)
L = Lately Dead, A = Anniversary of Death, R = Remembrance M = Martyr, V = Virgin, B = Bishop, Pp = Pope
P = Personal Intention, S = Sick, B = Birthday F = Founders Mass D = Doctor, P = Priest, R = Religious
Please pray for the following, the anniversary of whose deaths occur at this time James Earnshaw, William Henry Duxbury, Robin Howell, Br Ted Coyle, James Crotty, Mary Edwards, William Brian Ahearne, Claire Eleanor Morris, Margaret Holden and Beatrice Cross. May they rest in the peace of the Lord.
Readings at Mass
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time |
3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time |
First |
Isaiah 62; 1 – 5 |
Nehemiah 8; 2–4a, 5–6, 8-10 |
Second |
I Cor 12; 4 – 11 |
I Cor 12; 13 – 20 |
Gospel |
John 2; 1 - 11 |
Luke 1; 1 – 4, 4; 14 - 21 |
Diocesan Website:
for information on our Diocese and what is happening.
Praying with the Pope in January 2025
For a right to an education
Let us pray for migrants, refugees and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.
Look at for more information
Prayers please
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Robert Moran, who died quite suddenly in the week. Please keep his family in your prayers too. Funeral details to follow. May he rest in peace.
This Sunday
Is the second Sunday of Ordinary Time. The gospel tells us of the first miracle of Jesus – how he turned water into wine at the wedding feast at Cana.
Caritas Sunday
Today Fran Duxbury will make an appeal at Mass for the work of Caritas Salford. Envelopes are available at the back of the church for this. Also, please take a Caritas Newsletter.
Week of prayer for Christian Unity
Continues until Saturday. The theme is “Do you believe this?” (John 11, 26). Jesus told his disciples that anyone who believed in him would never die, then asked if they believed this. The materials have been prepared by an ecumenical monastic community in Northern Italy. See prayer in the next column.
Visitors from Uruguay
28 students and 3 teachers from the Colegio Seminario in Monte Video are visiting the college at the moment. Bienvenidos! They will be attending the 11am College Mass on Sunday.
Coffee Stop Update
Sadly, the last Coffee Stop had to be cancelled at short notice as the pavements in Hurst Green were too icy. The next one will be on Thursday at 1.30pm in the Bowling Green Pavilion. All welcome.
Burn’s night supper - CANCELLED
St John’s Parish in Hurst Green is hosting a Burn’s Night Supper on Saturday in the Memorial Hall. Arrivals 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start. The cost is £25.00 per person and includes a 2 course meal and entertainment. There will be a bar. For tickets contact Canon Brian on 07973 740981.
Next Sunday
Is the 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time. In the gospel we hear of Jesus’ visit to the synagogue in his hometown of Nazareth.
Jubilee Year 2025
2025 is a "Jubilee" year of special grace for the Church. The church of St Peter’s has been designated as a place of pilgrimage for the Diocese of Salford. It is open for private prayer from early in the morning until the evening. We hope to welcome pilgrims from all over the diocese as they come to pray in our church. We have the opportunity to visit other churches as well. Let’s journey in hope.
Foodbank Thank You
The foodbank are enormously grateful for the items we supplied before Christmas. We surpassed your generosity of previous years by a county mile. Heartfelt thanks.
Provincial Visitation
The Provincial will be visiting SMH, Stonyhurst and St Joseph’s at the end of January. He has asked to meet the Parish. We will organise a “Parish Tea” in Fr Tim’s house on Friday 31st January at 3.45pm. Please keep the date free.
The prayer for the week of Christian Unity is:
(Please pray this prayer every day from Friday until 25th January)
God our Father, accept our praise and thanksgiving for what already unites Christians in the confession of and witness to Jesus the Lord. Hasten the hour when all churches will recognise each other in the one communion you willed and for which your Son prayed to you in the power of the Holy Spirit. Hear us, you who live and reign now and forever. Amen
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